Auf den folgenden Seiten findest du mehr Informationen. Vikings raiding from Denmark and the other Nordic nations changed the course of 9th- and 10th-century European history; in the Middle Ages, the Union of Kalmar united all of Scandinavia under Danish leadership. Bitte erfragen Sie an Ihrer Heimatuniversität, ob diese eine Partnerschaft mit der HU vereinbart hat. Although traditionally among the keener advocates of the European Union, Dutch voters echoed those in France by spurning the proposed EU constitution in a 2005 referendum. A landlocked, mountainous country, Switzerland's geographical position in central Europe and studied neutrality have given it the access and political stability to become one of the world's wealthiest countries. Alfred-Rühl-Haus Raum 0'202 Rudower Chaussee 16 12489 Berlin Kontakt. It also defied predictions that it would not survive the collapse of its one-time supporter, the Soviet Union. Are you interested in working at the International Office? However, the collapse of the banking system in 2008 exposed that prosperity as having been built on a dangerously vulnerable economic model. Many of the elements that make up the foundation of the modern world originated in China including: paper, gunpowder, credit banking, the compass and paper money. 10099 Berlin. The People's Republic of China (PRC) was founded in 1949 after the Communist Party defeated the previously dominant nationalist Kuomintang in a civil war. 2. In jedem Falle empfiehlt es sich, das Incoming Team bei Fragen zu kontaktieren. Jedes Jahr studieren nahezu 1.000 ERASMUS-Studierende aus fast 30 Ländern an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Januar - danach gibt es noch Restplätze. The "Prague Spring" of 1968, when Communist leader Alexander Dubcek tried to bring in liberal reforms, was crushed by Warsaw Pact tanks. Es gibt vielfältige Möglichkeiten für Jura-Studierende, ein Studium im Ausland aufzunehmen. Ethnically the former Soviet republic is as diverse, with the Kazakhs making up nearly two thirds of the population, ethnic Russians just under a quarter, and smaller minorities the rest. After having lived for decades in the shadow of the Soviet Union, Finland is now well settled in the European Union. The country has been experiencing an economic boom. Unter den Linden 6 10099 Berlin Telefon +49 30 2093 - 0 Telefax +49 30 2093 - 46702 Kontakt. Die Juristische Fakultät besitzt Austauschverträge mit Partneruniversitäten in verschiedensten Ländern – im Rahmen des Erasmus-Programms und im Rahmen weltweiter Kooperationsprogramme. Dazu kommen noch über 10 Fakultätsvereinbarungen. After centuries as a powerful medieval kingdom, Hungary was part of the Ottoman and then Habsburg empires from the 16th century onwards, emerging as an independent country again after World War I. Als Studierende/r der HU mit sehr guten und guten Studienleistungen kannst du dich für ein Teilstudium von einem oder zwei Semestern an einer der Partneruniversitäten bewerben, vor deiner Abfahrt musst du 2 Semester deines Studiums erfolgreich absolviert haben. Located at the crossroads of the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, Europe and Africa, Spain's history and culture are made up of a rich mix of diverse elements. Die Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin beteiligt sich seit 1991 sehr erfolgreich am europäischen Mobilitätsprogramm ERASMUS und hat seither mehr als 10.000 Studierende im Rahmen eines auslandsbezogenen Studienaufenthaltes gefördert. Partneruniversitäten außerhalb der Europäischen Union Die Humboldt-Universität hat mit vielen Partnern in aller Welt Verträge abgeschlossen, die den internationalen Austausch erleichtern. The country is divided into 17 regions which all have their own directly elected authorities. Spain's modern history is marked by the bitterly fought Spanish Civil War of 1936-39, and the ensuing 36-year dictatorship of General Francisco Franco. In fine art, the paintings of Gustav Klimt are widely admired. Für HU-Partneruniversitäten innerhalb der EU besuchen Sie bitte die Infoseiten zu. However, its position at the geographical heart of Europe on the key Danube trade route enhances its strategic importance. Bewerben Sie sich bitte zunächst bei Ihrer Heimatuniversität, diese entscheidet ob Sie für ein Auslandssemester nominiert werden. Membership talks were launched in 2005, but progress has been slow, as several EU states have serious misgivings about Turkish EU membership. 10099 Berlin Sitz. Erasmus ist mittlerweile ein Synomym für einen Auslandsaufenthalt während des Studiums. Sweden's position as one of the world's most highly developed post-industrial societies looks fundamentally secure. Die zur Verfügung stehenden Plätze für 2021/22 finden Sie hier. For centuries Latvia was primarily an agricultural country, with seafaring, fishing and forestry as other important factors in its economy. France was one of the founding fathers of European integration as the continent sought to rebuild after the devastation of the Second World War. Anmeldung erforderlich! The Swedes still enjoy an advanced welfare system, and their standard of living and life expectancy are almost second to none. More than a quarter of the population is Russian-speaking and the rights of this section of society have been a thorny issue since independence. 8 „Ausländisches Recht / Angebote ausländischer Partneruniversitäten“ anerkennen zu lassen. A new era began when Poland became an EU member in May 2004, five years after joining Nato and 15 years after the end of communist rule. Die Juristische Fakultät unterhält Austauschbeziehungen mit über 30 Partneruniversitäten. After Franco's death in 1975, Spain made the transition to a democratic state and built a successful economy, with King Juan Carlos as head of state. Norway plays an active international role. Double Degrees (Caution: Excellent mathematical skills are required): A sparsely-populated North Atlantic island, Iceland is famous for its hot springs, geysers and active volcanoes. The people are given a direct say in their own affairs under Switzerland's system of direct democracy, which has no parallel in any other country. PD Dr. Mohsen Makki Tel. Brussels is the headquarters of the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato), making it the polyglot home of an army of international diplomats and civil servants. Am Ende Ihres Auslandsteilstudiums erhalten Sie ein Transcript of Records zum Nachweis Ihrer Studienleistungen an der Herkunftsuniversität. What to do with the money is a hot political issue: whether to use more of it to improve infrastructure or keep it for a rainy day and future generations. Senden Sie das ausgefüllte Dokument bis zum 01.02. Famous for its spectacular mountain scenery, Austria is no longer the dominant political force it was in Central Europe under the Habsburg dynasty which ruled until the first world war. Technische Universität Warschau (TU Warschau) (Wintersemester) bzw. Ex-premier Jens Stoltenberg is Nato's secretary general. Long regarded as one of the best-performing new EU members, Slovenia was dragged into a deep recession by the European financial crisis in 2012. The Communist North has slipped into totalitarianism and poverty. Estonia is the most northerly of the three Baltic states, and has linguistic ties with Finland. For almost half of the 20th century Portugal was a dictatorship in which for decades Antonio de Oliveira Salazar was the key figure. 10099 Berlin Sitz. Slovakia has a significant Romany population which suffers disproportionately high levels of poverty and social deprivation. : +49 (030) 2093-6895 Fax: +49 (030) 2093-6835 Email: November ist dies academicus, es finden noch keine Lehrveranstaltungen statt. PD Dr. Mohsen Makki Tel. Mit der HU haben Sie sich für eine der Universitäten in Deutschland mit der höchsten Anzahl an ERASMUS-Studierenden überhaupt entschieden. The United Kingdom is made up of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. They helped transform South Korea into one of the world's major economies and a leading exporter of cars and electronic goods. It was the birthplace of the former Soviet bloc's first officially recognised independent mass political movement when strikes at the Gdansk shipyard in August 1980 led to agreement with the authorities on the establishment of the Solidarity trade union. When it handed over its last overseas territory, Macau, to Chinese administration in 1999, it brought to an end a long and sometimes turbulent era as a colonial power. The US has tens of thousands of soldiers in the country. Parlamentsstipendien. Hier finden Sie eine aktuelle Liste mit Partneruniversitäten (Stand März 2018). Occupied by Germany during the First and Second World Wars, it has experienced an economic boom in the past 50 years to become a model Western European liberal democracy. Die Grundlage hierfür war die Vereinbarung zwischen dem Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften der HU Berlin und dem Ramdeo College of Management and Science in Pali, einer kleinen Tier-2 City in Rajasthan. Kurdish separatists who accuse the Turkish state of seeking to destroy their cultural identity have been waging a guerrilla war since the 1980s. The following four decades were marked by authoritarian rule, during which government-sponsored schemes encouraged the growth of family-owned industrial conglomerates, including the Hyundai and Samsung groups. Partneruniversitäten Die Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät hat hat entsprechende Vereinbarungen zur Studierendenmobilität im Rahmen von ERASMUS mit mehr als 80 Partneruniversitäten in über 28 Ländern. Die Universitäten und Austauschplätze der WiWi für das akademische Jahr 2021-22, Partneruniversitäten der WiWi für das AJ 2021-22. Relations with the US showed signs of a thaw following the election of President Barack Obama, who in April 2009 said he wanted a new beginning with Cuba. Es stehen Plätze für Ägypten, Indien (nur PhD), Israel, Jordanien und den Libanon zur Verfügung. It has linguistic links with Lithuania to the south and historical and religious ties with Estonia to the north. Alfred-Rühl-Haus Raum 0'202 Rudower Chaussee 16 12489 Berlin Kontakt. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns per mail: Bewerbung 3.1. Ruled at various times during the middle ages by Denmark, the German knights of the Livonian Order, and Sweden, Estonia ended up part of the Russian Empire in the 18th century. The Kingdom of Denmark has, despite its relatively small size, punched above its weight internationally. 2. Im Folgenden wird Ihnen das Bewerbungsverfahren vorgestellt. It emerged from over 40 years of Communist rule in 1990, and was the first former Eastern Bloc state to acquire the status of a developed economy. It joined the United Nations only in 2002. weltweiter Austausch. The Italian political landscape underwent a seismic shift in the early 1990s when the "mani pulite" ("clean hands") operation exposed corruption at the highest levels of politics and big business. Strategische Partneruniversitäten . Die Universitäten und Austauschplätze der WiWi für das akademische Jahr 2021-22 The twentieth century saw Britain having to redefine its place in the world. Following protracted accession talks, Croatia took its place as the 28th member state of the EU on 1 July 2013. Public-private partnership is at the core of "the Swedish model", which was developed by the Social Democrats, who governed for most of the last 70 years until 2006. The varied landscape stretches from the mountainous, heavily populated regions of the east to the sparsely populated, energy-rich lowlands in the west, and from the industrialised north, with its Siberian climate and terrain, through the arid, empty steppes of the centre, to the fertile south. Alle Informationen zur Möglichkeit eines Austausches außerhalb des Erasmus-Programms findest noch mal gesondert auf der Seite über. 10099 Berlin Sitz. ... Je nach Partneruniversität erhalten Sie bis spätestens Ende März eine Zu- oder Absage. (Alle Länderbeschreibungen sind Auszüge aus den BBC World News Country Profiles vom 28.01.2011), International Office It has been locked in conflict with the Palestinians and its Arab neighbours over ownership of land considered holy by Jews, Christians and Muslims since its creation in 1948. Mit Partnern aus anderen Weltregionen verbinden die HU mehr als 100 Verträge. Foreign investors, attracted by the government and encouraged by favourable conditions, have been keen to get involved in exploiting the country's mineral wealth, sometimes in the face of local resistance. Der Berliner Senat hat beschlossen, den Start des Wintersemesters auf den 2. Praktika. Situated in north-eastern Europe with a coastline along the Baltic Sea, Latvia has borders with Estonia, Russia, Belarus and Lithuania. There are still some 200 million Portuguese speakers around the world today. When the Soviet Union collapsed Finland joined the EU and is the only Nordic EU member to use the euro as its national currency. It is the most visited tourist destination in the world. Achtung: Das Abitur und die Sprachkurse werden -später bei der Anmeldung - von den meisten Partneruniversitäten nicht als Sprachnachweis akzeptiert! Forscher*innen aus Berlin und Bochum untersuchten, welche Personen die „Corona-Warn-App" in Deutschland nutzen, welche nicht und wie sie ihre Entscheidung begründeten. Zudem werden weitere Informationen wie Erfahrungsberichte, Links und länderspezifische Informationen aufgelistet. Having uncoupled itself from its western neighbour, Slovakia at first struggled to prove itself as an independent democracy, but by the time of the twentieth anniversary of the "velvet divorce" in January 2013, it had come to be seen as one of Europe's biggest success stories. 1. Eine Sammlung aller Partneruniversitäten der HU finden Sie im ERASMUS Handbuch der Programm- und Partnerländer. It has mediated between Israel and the Palestinians as well as in the Sri Lankan conflict, and has participated in military action in Afghanistan and Libya. Sie finden hier weitere aktuelle … Bitte fülle es aus und reiche es im Wiwi International Office ein: Swiss Mobility Agreement OLS Sprachtest . Informationen zur Immatrikulation entnehmen Sie bitte der Informationsbroschüre zur Immatrikulation internationaler Programmstudierender. Mehr Informationen. Once the centre of the Ottoman Empire, the modern secular republic was established in the 1920s by nationalist leader Kemal Ataturk. Parlamentsstipendien im Ausland. Die Bewerbung umfasst sechs Schritte. The country boasts spectacular scenery, including Lake Titicaca, the world's highest navigable lake. Partneruniversitäten in Nordamerika *AKTUELL: AUSWIRKUNGEN CORONAVIRUS* Bis auf … 10099 Berlin Sitz. Not much more than a decade after it declared independence following the collapse of the USSR, Latvia was welcomed as an EU member in May 2004. Bitte reichen Sie Bewerbungen bei ein. Straddling the continents of Europe and Asia, Turkey's strategically important location has given it major influence in the region - and control over the entrance to the Black Sea. Progress towards democracy and a market economy was halting after Ataturk's death in 1938, and the army - seeing itself as guarantor of the constitution - repeatedly ousted governments seen as challenging secular values. A growing number of visitors are being drawn to its variety of attractions. 1. The state-run gas monopoly Gazprom is the world's largest producer and exporter, and supplies a large share of Europe's needs. : +49 30 2093-12300 Fax: +49 30 2093-12301 Kontaktformular. Schweiz BA, MA BA, MA BA, MA. Liste der Partneruniversitäten D-10178 Berlin. Bitte nehmen Sie diese Registrierung erst nach der Nominierung vor. Partneruniversitäten. Hungary traces its history back to the Magyars, an alliance of semi-nomadic tribes from southern Russia and the Black Sea coast that arrived in the region in the ninth century. While the country is renowned for these and other delights, it is also notorious for its precarious political life and has had several dozen governments since the end of World War II. Erst wenn alle Schritte absolviert wurden, ist der Bewerbungsprozess abgeschlossen. The roots of that era stretch back to the 15th century when Portuguese explorers such as Vasco da Gama put to sea in search of a passage to India. However, there has also been a growing divide between the mainly Dutch-speaking north and the mainly French-speaking south, as well as concerns about the growth of Islamic extremism among immigrant communities in the capital, Brussels. The report found that the authorities had known what lay in store for the Jewish refugees to whom they closed their borders in 1942, and had assisted the economy of Nazi Germany, although not to a degree that prolonged the war. Erasmus Plus. Für die Länder der EU finden Sie genauere Informationen unter ERASMUS. Forscherteam beschreibt neuartigen Methode im Fachmagazin “Nature" Korruptionsskandale: Wer bewacht die Wächter? Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft an der HU e.V. There have been periods of independence as well as periods of domination by other countries. Informationen zu Partneruniversitäten weltweit Die Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin ist weltweit mit vielen universitären Partnern und Forschungseinrichtungen verbunden. The Netherlands' name reflects its low-lying topography, with more than a quarter of its total area under sea level. Was ist Erasmus? Die Juristische Fakultät bietet in Kooperation mit einigen Partneruniversitäten auch verschiedene Programme, in denen mehrere Abschlüsse erworben werden können ( Austria has a very rich cultural heritage. : +49 (030) 2093-6895 Fax: +49 (030) 2093-6835 Email: Two world wars and the end of empire diminished its role, but the UK remains an economic and military power, with considerable political and cultural influence around the world. Joining the European Union has been a longstanding ambition. It also enjoys one of the world's highest standards of living, in large part due to the discovery in the late 1960s of offshore oil and gas. The capital, Vienna, is home to key international organisations, including the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Opec, the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries. 1 Right at the heart of Europe and with a history intertwined with that of its neighbours, Slovakia has proudly preserved its own language and distinct cultural traditions. South Korea has developed into one of Asia's most affluent countries since partition in 1948. Dazu kommen noch über 10 Fakultätsvereinbarungen. It experienced its first period of independence in 1918, following the end of the First World War and the collapse of the Russian Empire. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Ihre Bewerbung erst dann abgeschlossen ist, wenn Sie sich auf den zusätzlichen Internetseiten der Serviceanbieter (Online-Bewerbung für das Programmstudium an der HU, optional auch Sprachintensivkurs "Deutsch als Fremdsprache", Wohnheimplatz, KUSTOS, Mentorenprogramm "Studis 4 Studis" und Berlin Perspectives) beworben haben. Its forces have taken part in the Nato-led operation in Afghanistan, and in peacekeeping duties in Kosovo. Achtung: Derzeit beträgt der Zuschuss je nach Land zwischen 250 und 350 €. Im Rahmen der Personalmobilität sind einwöchige Aufenthalte (fünf Tage) an Partneruniversitäten der unten stehenden Kategorien bevorzugt förderfähig. They are invited to the polls several times a year to vote in national or regional referendums and people's initiatives. Sommer- und Winterschulen. In 1989, as the curtain was coming down on communism in the Kremlin, the dissident playwright Vaclav Havel emerged as the figurehead of the country's "velvet revolution" and became the first president of post-communist Czechoslovakia. Bewerbungsfrist endet am 15. Like its Baltic neighbours, in the decade after independence Latvia made a rapid transformation to embrace the free market. In more recent times, Denmark has developed a highly-competitive service-based economy with high employment levels and a generous social security system. Since the fall of the US-backed dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista in 1959 Cuba has been a one-party state led by Mr Castro and - since February 2008 - by his anointed successor, younger brother Raul. Alfred-Rühl-Haus Raum 0'202 Rudower Chaussee 16 12489 Berlin Kontakt. Partneruniversitäten außerhalb der EU befinden sich unter dem Menüpunkt. Europe's northernmost country, the Kingdom of Norway is famed for its mountains and spectacular fjord coastline, as well as its history as a seafaring power. Slovenia was the first former Yugoslav republic to join the European Union, in May 2004 - shortly after joining Nato. bereit stellen. The country is still trying to come to terms with the trauma of a two-decade conflict - roughly from 1980 to 2000 - between the state and leftist guerrilla groups, the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement and the Shining Path, which still has a following. The affluence enjoyed by Icelanders before 2008 initially rested on the fishing industry, but with the gradual contraction of this sector the Icelandic economy developed into new areas. The constitution of 1978 enshrines respect for linguistic and cultural diversity within a united Spain. Croatia's declaration of independence in 1991 was followed by four years of war and the best part of a decade of authoritarian nationalism under President Franjo Tudjman. Auf dieser Seite findest Du eine Übersicht aller Partneruniversitäten der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät. 2 BA, MA, PhD Englisch, (Ungarisch) Polen Portugal Schweden Türkei Erklärungen: Die Anforderungen an das Sprachniveau liegen immer bei B2. France is known the world over for its cuisine, fashion, culture and language. Take the art works of Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Tintoretto and Caravaggio, the operas of Verdi and Puccini, the cinema of Federico Fellini, add the architecture of Venice, Florence and Rome and you have just a fraction of Italy's treasures from over the centuries. Through exploration and conquest, Spain became a world power in the 16th century, and it maintained a vast overseas empire until the early 19th century. Für den Fall, dass Ihr Erstwunsch nicht berücksichtigt werden kann, geben Sie bitte einen Zweit- oder sogar Drittwunsch an. Die Regionlareferate des International Office der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin bieten zudem Hilfestellung, wenn der Wunsch nach einem Studienaufenthalt im nicht-europäischen Ausland besteht. Laden Sie sich die Vorlage für das Transcript of Recordsherunter und füllen Sie diese bitte aus. At the beginning of the century, it commanded a world-wide empire as the foremost global power. 01.07. This period was brought to an end in 1974 in a bloodless coup, picturesquely known as the Revolution of the Carnations, which ushered in a new democracy. Wir möchten Dir mit der folgenden Liste nützliche Informationen zu Ländern und den Partnerhochschulen geben. A landlocked country, Hungary is home to Lake Balaton, the largest in central Europe, and to a large number of spa towns and hot springs. A key player on the global stage and a country at the political heart of Europe, France paid a high price in both economic and human terms during the two world wars. Iceland became an independent republic in 1944 and went on to become one of the world's most prosperous economies. For such a small country, Belgium has been a major European battleground over the centuries. Burgner_Milena.docx) an den Erasmus-Koordinator (Siehe oben). Wenn Sie zwei Semester an der Humb… Following its defeat at the hands of the Soviet Union in the Second World War, the country endured strong influence from Moscow during the Cold War, though retaining its sovereignty. Fidel exercised control over virtually all aspects of Cuban life through the Communist Party and its affiliated mass organisations, the government bureaucracy and the state security apparatus. : 0045-89 42 2017 Fax: 0045-89 42 2047 Kontaktperson ist Lene Lykke Christensen Darüberhinaus findest du in der Moodle Gruppe auch Erfahrungsberichte von ehemaligen Wiwi Outgoings - diese enthalten in der Regel nützliche Hinweise und Tipps! Spandauer Str. Peru's rich and varied heritage includes the ancient Incan capital of Cuzco and the lost city of Machu Picchu. Das Sprachenzentrum der HU stellt gegen eine Gebühr von 20 EUR nach einem Sprachtest (Dauer ca. A country of striking natural beauty with a stunning Adriatic coastline, Croatia is again very popular as a tourist destination. Aarhus Universitet, Institut for Kultur och Samfund Nordre Ringgade, DK-8000 Aarhus C Tel. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Juristische Fakultät | Internationales | Auslandsaufenthalte | Schwerpunkt im Ausland Schwerpunkt im Ausland Im Rahmen des Erasmusprogramms ist es möglich, das Studium in ausgewählten Partneruniversitäten als Schwerpunktbereich Nr. Economic strength has allowed Vladimir Putin - Russia's dominant political figure since 2000 - to enhance state control over political institutions and the media - a process supplemented more recently by an emphasis on fierce nationalism and hostility to the West.