For 19 consecutive years, Pilatus customer support has been rated number 1 in the business turboprop market. Weiterhin sind 4 Pilatus PC-24 bestellt. Pilatus believed that the PC-12 would fit a new market not served by existing aircraft, namely the King Air series aircraft, and it would be the first single-engine, turbo-prop aircraft capable of a large cabin volume, flying at high speed across long distances. It has a 330 cubic foot pressurized passenger cabin with seating for up to 9 passengers. Juni 2017 wurden 1500 Exemplare ausgeliefert. Sit back and relax, or get to work, confident that you are in the ultimate flying machine. Das komfortable Turboprop-Flugzeug in Business-Ausstattung wird auch extern als Charterfluggerät für Business- und private Individualflüge vermarktet, teilte Zeitfracht mit. Each aircraft is individually and exquisitely crafted to not only meet your exacting expectations, but also those of our demanding Swiss heritage. Independent after-market research publications have verified that PC-12 owners enjoy one of the highest value retention rates in all of business aviation, significantly lowering the total cost of owning a PC-12. Juni 2017 wurden 1500 Exemplare ausgeliefert. The Pilatus PC-12 NG has gained a reputation for outstanding versatility, performance, reliability and operational flexibility. This is a paid option. These are terms operators of PC-12s frequently use to describe their aircraft, and why so many people around the world trust the PC-12 to fly their families, employees, customers and critical cargo. Essen, 8. Wir haben uns entschieden, dass wir die PC-12 aus kostengründen in einen 8 Plätzer umwandeln. Is Whole Aircraft Ownership Right For You? [1] TweetThis week, we’re comparing the costs of Pilatus’ single-engine PC-12NG and Beechcraft’s King Air 250. New executive seats, more headroom, larger cabin windows and modern BMW Designworks interiors take the PC-12 NGX to an entirely new level of comfort and productivity. Our business model is not built on profiting from your down time. Der PC-24 kann viel kostengünstiger und flexibler operiert werden als Jets mit vergleichbarer Kabinengrösse. As such, it is one of the most popular turbine-powered business aircraft on the market today. The latest version of the PC-12 NGX both climbs and cruises faster with no increase in horsepower. Every inner distance ring = 1 hour flight time. How Much Does It Cost to Charter a Private Aircraft? Bis zum 30. It is certified for single-pilot operations, but it is also possible to have a second flight crew member. Safety of flight is the highest priority of Pilatus, and the new PC-12 NGX includes an array of new technologies like tactile feedback in unusual attitudes, an Emergency Descent Mode (EDM), and a Crew Alerting System (CAS) that automatically calls up the appropriate electronic checklist on the multi-function display. Während andere Unternehmen ihre Flotten stilllegen, verstärkt eine Pilatus PC-12 ab sofort die Flotte der Zeitfracht Flugschule German Flight Camp. Tax Changes Impacting Aircraft Purchasers, PlaneSense Celebrates With First Pilatus PC-24, The Market Factors That Affect Aircraft Demand, The Costs of Buying and Operating a King Air 350, A Step-by-Step Guide to Buying an Aircraft. Grund ist der Absturz einer PC-12. Pilatus is the only Swiss aircraft manufacturer. Damit aus dem Millioneninvest keine Luftnummer wird, gilt es, ein paar Dinge zu bedenken. High-speed cruise performance is 270kts or 310mph, or a very respectable long-range cruise performance of 202kts or 232mph for maximum fuel efficiency. Leadership is never self-appointed. By continuing to use our site, you are agreeing to the use of cookies as set in our. Watch the videos and learn what our customers say about the PC-12. With tools and features more advanced than most airliners, the PC-12 NGX raises the bar with enhanced graphical displays, weather on the vertical situation display, full ADS-B IN functionality, 3D audio, detailed 2D airport moving maps, SmartLanding and SmartRunway awareness and advisory system, flight path guidance for visual approaches, controller-pilot datalink communications, and even an optional digital autothrottle system – the first of its kind in a business turboprop. Safe. Pilatus präsentiert das erste PC-12 NGX Serienflugzeug auf dem Aussenstand an der NBAA-BACE in Las Vegas vom 22. bis 24. Its ability to land on short and unimproved runways and its low operating costs certainly make it a top choice for aircraft owners. These expenses are directly related to the operation of the aircraft and are represented as an hourly cost figure. Pilatus präsentiert das erste PC-12 NGX Serienflugzeug auf dem Aussenstand an der NBAA-BACE in Las Vegas vom 22. bis 24. Versatile. 2007 - 2021 Pilatus ist stolz und dankt dem Bundesrat für das Vertrauen in den brandneuen Schweizer Businessjet von Pilatus. Reliable. With more than 1,700 PC-12s in the field, and over seven million flight hours behind the ultra-reliable Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6 engine, experience makes a difference. Form follows function. Over 1300 aircraft have been sold. It is forged over time by actions, deeds, and respect earned by experience. The brand-new PC-12 NGX builds on the rock-solid, 1,700 aircraft foundation of its market-defining predecessor. High residual values, low operating costs, and proven safe operation of over seven million flight hours and over 1,700 aircraft easily explain why the PC-12 has earned an untarnished reputation as one of the best investments in business aviation. Beratung und Angebot unter +41 844 041 844 The PC-12 NGX takes this legacy to the next level of refinement, efficiency, and technological advancement. Es ist ein zuverlässigies Geschäftsflugzeug und wird auch als regionales Verkehrsflugzeug eingesetzt. Preis pro stunde: 1800 €, Sitzplätze: 4, Gepäck: 4 Koffer. Other than our own PC-24 Super Versatile Jet, no other business aircraft features a standard cargo door in addition to a main passenger entry door. The Pilatus PC-12 NGX has gained a reputation for outstanding versatility, performance, reliability and operational flexibility. Its popularity and versatility have earned it a place in other roles such as cargo, air ambulance, and government special mission applications. The PC-12 NGX is virtually unrivalled in terms of special mission capability. Intuitive. Autothrottle, tactile feedback, Electronic Propeller and Engine Control System, plus industry-leading features that enhance safety and situational awareness all work together to help PC-12 NGX operators fly safely and efficiently in the most demanding conditions. Fine European leather, custom hand-stitching, and a wealth of designs to appeal to a multitude of personalities, your PC-12 NGX is crafted to reflect your unique style. As such, it is one of the most popular turbine-powered business aircraft on the … You’ll appreciate the Swiss craftsmanship and attention to detail presented in the form of custom hand-sewn leather, exclusive hardwood cabinetry and fine upholstery that abound throughout the aircraft. In other words: missions which require immediate intervention and total reliability. Pilatus announced the development of the PC-12 at the annual National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) convention in October 1989. Interior layout, exterior views, and overall dimensions are noted in the diagram below for quick reference. Fly closer to your ultimate destination and save overall travel time. Sie verbindet ein leistungsstarkes Turboprop-Triebwerk mit einer geräumigen, als Druckkabine ausgelegten Zelle und eignet sich für ein weitgefächertes Einsatzspektrum. Am 1. Pilatus Aircraft ltd.). Through clever aerodynamic refinements, it is five knots faster than its predecessor, with a top cruise speed of 290 knots (537 kilometres per hour). Durch ausgeklügelte aerodynamische Raffinessen ist er fünf Knoten schneller als sein Vorgänger und fliegt mit einer Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 537 Kilometer pro Stunde (290 Knoten). Stars und Unternehmer schätzen ihre Business-Jets, denn sie verwöhnen mit Luxus. Featuring an autopilot optimised for stability and smoothness, and SmartView synthetic vision with performance-based head-up display symbology, the PC-12 NGX’s Advanced Cockpit Environment (ACE) sets the bar for ultimate control and situational awareness without a steep learning curve. Technische Daten Pilatus PC24 Sitzplätze: 2 + 6 Reichweite: 3.611 km Reisegeschwindigkeit: 787 km/h Kosten pro Stunde: n/a Preis: $ 8.900.000 Wir beraten Sie gerne PC-12s are in use around the world with owner-pilots, corporations, charter and fractional companies, air ambulances, special missions, cargo and law enforcement agencies. Das wird Millionen kosten. The above data is supplied by AircraftBudgetAnalyzer. Prices on preowned PC-12s vary depending on the total airframe and engine hours, maintenance, record keeping and overall condition. They also offer a free demo of the aircraft costing platform. With 330 cubic feet (9.34 cubic metres) of cabin volume, you’ll enjoy more space than business jets costing twice as much. Fly at the head of the pack with the new PC-12 NGX. Dies bedeutet ein Total pro Stunde und Kopf von 275.- CHF! Only the PC-12 NGX offers the advanced avionics of high-end business jets tailored for the single pilot. Fuel price used for this analysis is based on a nationwide average price of $5.04 per gallon for Jet-A. Die Pilatus PC-12 ist auch als das weltgrößte Turboprop-Flugzeug mit Single-Triebwerk bekannt. Einmalige Flüge kosten 1500 Franken pro Stunde mit einer Tagesgrundgebühr von 1000 Franken. Clearly, Pilatus proved a lot of people wrong regarding its potential for success having produced over 1,500 aircraft since entry into service in 1995. Encapsulating all the advantages of the new PC-12 NGX within a single word is nearly impossible – but iconic seems fitting. Der Basispreis des PC-12 NGX ab dem kommenden Jahr 2020 beträgt 4 390 000 US-Dollar, die oft bevorzugte Executive-Konfiguration ist ab einem Preis von 5 369 000 US-Dollar verfügbar. The Pilatus PC-12 NG is among the most popular turbine-powered business aircraft available – for good reason. We’re proud to be called over-engineered. The PC-12 has a NBAA IFR Range of 1,429nm as depicted on the range map (below), and a maximum payload of 2,257lbs. Leaders are trusted because they’ve proven over time. Pilatus PC-12 / PC XII Flugzeuge zu verkaufen Die Pilatus PC-12 ist ein einmotoriges Turboprop Mehrzweckflugzeug. Safe. Designed to allow a fork-lift to load a standard size pallet directly into the cabin, it can surely fit your luggage, your motor bike, and your surfboard. Betreiber mit mehr als 800 Flugstunden pro Jahr könnten bis zu 40 Prozent der Kosten einsparen. Their suite of powerful costing tools let you fully customize these numbers to model your own operating requirements. For consistency’s sake, we’ll use 200,000 miles per year as the common denominator for our comparison. How to Choose the Right Aircraft, Deciding Between Fractional Ownership of an Aircraft or Leasing, free demo of the aircraft costing platform, Fractional Ownership of the Pilatus PC-12 in Europe, The Costs To Own And Operate A Gulfstream G550. As much as you love flying, we know you also want to stay connected, and the PC-12 NGX can be outfitted with the latest in Wi-Fi, entertainment, and connectivity technologies. [1] Als Ergänzung entwickelt Pilatus seit 2008 die PC-24, die die … Based in Stans, Switzerland,Pilatus Aircraft Ltd. has been building single-engine aircraft since 1939. Dezember 2020. The PC-12NG cruises at around 261 knots, or […] Few ever thought the PC-12 would become the success it has particularly with the Owner flown entrepreneur crowd. Wir haben bereits einige 12er Betreiber angefragt, wie teuer bei ihnen eine Stunde PC-12 fliegen sei! Since introduction, the Pilatus PC-12 has gained a reputation for outstanding performance, reliability, and operational flexibility, and Pilatus has continued to evolve its performance and technology. Während andere Unternehmen ihre Flotten stilllegen, verstärkt eine Pilatus PC-12 ab sofort die Flotte der Zeitfracht Flugschule German Flight Camp. It’s an original that is impossible to copy. Don’t wait for the future – it’s here today in the PC-12 NGX. Der PC-12 NGX an der NBAA-BACE. It even extends into areas deep in the aircraft that only a mechanic might see. Die Pilatus PC-12 ist ein einmotoriges Turboprop-Passagier- und Frachtflugzeug, das von der Pilatus Aircraft aus der Schweiz hergestellt wird. Bouwjaar: 1996; TTAF: 5466h; Type: Turboprop; Location: India : US$ 1.300.000 IN DEVELOPMENT Sitzplätze: 1 + 8 (11) Reichweite: 2.960 km Reisegeschwindigkeit: 528 km/h Kosten pro Stunde: n.a. If the aircraft is owner-flown, and not professional crewed, the total cost per flight hour is $1,232. Mit Pilatus pc 12 ng fsx einen Versuch zu riskieren - vorausgesetzt Sie kaufen das Original-Mittel zu einem redlichen Preis - ist eine weise Überlegung. Inspired by the design of the PC-24, the new PC-12 NGX executive seats feature full recline, taller seat backs, and even more seated headroom. Bei der neusten Version des PC-12 NGX wurden die Steigung und die Fluggeschwindigkeit erhöht, ohne die Triebwerksleistung oder den Verbrauch zu beeinflussen. It can be configured to carry up to 10 passengers but is more typically configured as 6-7 passengers in business club seating. Der PC-12 NGX an der NBAA-BACE. The latest PC-12s have improved avionics, now Honeywell’s Primus Apex Integrated Avionics, an enclosed lavatory, winglets to reduce aerodynamic drag and the new PT6A-67P, 1,200 horsepower Pratt & Whitney engine renowned for reliability. Max. Die Pilatus PC-12 ist ein einmotoriges Mehrzweck-Transportflugzeug für maximal 9 Passagiere des schweizerischen Herstellers Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG (bzw. This extreme diversity gives owners confidence that their investment in a PC-12 NGX is a sound decision. The main cabin is 16ft 9in (5.10m) long and 4ft 8in (1.42m) high. Dieser bietet bei der Wartung mehr Flexibilität, ist auf sämtliche PC-12 und PC-12 NG Modelle anwendbar und reduziert den Wartungsaufwand um 20 bis 40 Prozent. Building on the proven success of its predecessor, the PC-12 NGX offers pilots the latest technologies in navigation, safety, and situational awareness. Pilatus hat die PC-12 überarbeitet. Die PC-12 wird hauptsächlich als Geschäftsreiseflugzeug, Frachtflugzeug und als Ambulanzflugzeug eingesetzt. Its ability to land on short and unimproved runways and its low operating costs certainly make it a top choice for aircraft owners. Bis zum 30. Es bietet ein einzelnes leistungsstarkes Turboprop-Triebwerk mit einer geräumigen Zelle und wird in diversen Einsatzgebieten eingesetzt. Swiss Business Air hat gewonnen :D Sie macht uns ein super Angebot von 2200.- CHF pro Stunde! To obtain an overview of the different options, with background on the types of products and providers, start with the free Guide to Private Aviation below. The price of a new PC-12 is currently about $4.9m. Powerful. Pilatus übergab schon 20 Exemplare der Neuversion der PC-12 an Kunden. Pilatus hat einen neuen «Master Maintenance Plan» für den PC-12 entwickelt und zertifiziert. Together with BMW Designworks we are pleased to offer the most comfortable and modern cabin experience ever in the PC-12 NGX. The PC-12 NGX can use runways as short as 2,485 feet (758 metres) at its maximum weight and operate from dirt, gravel, and grass surfaces. With more than 2,000 aircraft in service throughout the world, Pilatus turboprops are renowned for their precision and quality. Mieten Sie den Pilatus PC-12 Turboprop zum besten Preis. Mehr Auswahl bei der Kabineneinrichtung, verlängerte Wartungszyklen und neue Avionik sollen das einmotorige Turbopropmuster nochmals aufwerten. Pilatus Aircraft hat mit der PC-12 NGX die dritte Generation seiner Turbopop-Einmot PC-12 vorgestellt. Diesen Jet anfragen ☎ +49 228 91565489 Doch schauen wir uns die Resultate anderer Konsumenten ein Stück weit präziser an. From the very moment you enter the cabin, it’s apparent that the PC-12 NGX is truly in a class of its own – even among aircraft priced much higher. A recent member of the family is the PC-12 NG. Kabinenhöhe: 1,40m. Thrustmaster TS-XW Racer (Lenkrad inkl. The PC-12 NGX can take you places you’ve never been in a business aircraft. In Florida haben die Erben einer US-Familie den Schweizer Flugzeughersteller Pilatus aus Stans eingeklagt. Die Pilatus PC-21 ist ein einmotoriges Turboprop-Trainingsflugzeug, das für ein breites Schulungsspektrum ausgelegt ist. Betreiber von PC-12, die mehr als 300 Stunden pro Jahr fliegen, könnten ihre geplante Wartungsarbeitszeit damit um rund 20 Prozent senken. Average retail pricing for one built in 2008, will be approximately $2.5m to $2.8m, and models that are 15 to 16 years old, 2001 to 2002, vintage, are typically in the range of $1.8m. Das komfortable Turboprop-Flugzeug in Business-Ausstattung wird auch extern als Charterfluggerät für Business- und private Individualflüge vermarktet. The Costs of Buying and Operating an Embraer Phenom 300, Negotiating Fractional Jet Contract Terms, An Introduction to Flying on Private Aircraft, New Business Jet Sales Rise Slightly in 2017, © The PC-12 NGX leads all others. Die Pilatus PC-12 ist ein einmotoriges Turboprop-Mehrzweckflugzeug des schweizerischen Flugzeugherstellers Pilatus Aircraft. But in the PC-12 NGX, it’s a very close second. The PC-12 leads the industry in sales and enjoys a safety record on par with twin-engine business jets. Das Management und alle Maybe it’s our Swiss DNA, but we are not wasteful, and neither are our aircraft. Die Pilatus PC-12 ist ein einmotoriges Turboprop-Mehrzweckflugzeug des schweizerischen Flugzeugherstellers Pilatus Aircraft. Sie verbindet ein leistungsstarkes Turboprop-Triebwerk mit einer geräumigen, als Druckkabine ausgelegten Zelle und eignet sich für ein weitgefächertes Einsatzspektrum. Mehr Leistung dank eines neuen Triebwerks, größere Fenster, eine neue Kabine und Autothrottle sind Eigenschaften, die das Flugzeug für Kunden attraktiv halten sollen. NNNN Pilatus PC-12 dieser Privatjet kann über PrivateFly gechartert | gebucht werden. Proven. Assuming the aircraft is operated 250 hours per year, which is typical for this platform, the total operating cost per flight hour is $1,783 including fixed costs under the above scenario. Included are salaries for Flight Crew (exclude if owner flown); pilot annual training, hull insurance cost computed by multiplying a liability factor per $100 of hull insurance; and liability insurance based on $25M in coverage. These costs must be borne by a flight department irrespective of the level of aircraft utilization. Synonymous with excellence and efficiency, Pilatus aircraft retain their value better than most of its competitors, all while offering award-winning customer service and Pilatus … Parts, labor, and reserves are predicated on the assumption that the aircraft is no longer covered by the manufacturer’s warranty. The fuel consumption figure accounts for taxi, takeoff, climb, cruise, descent, and landing for the applicable mission as appropriate for the aircraft category. Pilatus PC-12 für private Flüge wählen Sie +49 3222 1090 678 Pilatus PC-12. Direct Mission Costs include a bundling of mission fuel consumed as noted in the aircraft’s flight manual, maintenance labor, parts and reserve costs (Variable Costs), apportioned to the actual flight time for the listed NM mission length. Pilatus offers best-in-class options, including the Pilatus PC-12 NGX and the new Pilatus PC-24 Super Versatile jet. The maximum operating ceiling is 30,000ft, at 5.8psi cabin pressure, which is sufficient to not only get you over most weather conditions, but also get you to your destination comfortably. The PC-12 has come to exemplify the unique combination of Swiss engineering and dedicated craftsmanship, yielding a superior flight, passenger, owner and operator experience that is truly beyond comparison. Both operate with similar performance specs, with ranges between 1,600 and 1,700 nautical miles and room for seven passengers. To get detailed comparisons of the leading fractional and jet card providers, plus listings of hundreds of charter operators, subscribe to SherpaReport Membership here, and become a smarter more informed buyer. Since introduction, the Pilatus PC-12 has gained a reputation for outstanding performance, reliability, and operational flexibility, and Pilatus has continued to evolve its performance and technology. At Pilatus, our primary objective is to keep you flying. (800 lb payload, NBAA IFR reserve of 100 nm, long range cruise, ISA, FL 300, single-pilot operation, executive configuration), (1200 lb payload, NBAA IFR reserve of 100 nm, long range cruise, ISA, FL 300, single-pilot operation, executive configuration), (363 kg payload, NBAA IFR reserve of 185 km, long range cruise, ISA, FL 300, single-pilot operation, executive configuration), (1200 lb payload, NBAA IFR reserve of 185 km, long range cruise, ISA, FL 300, single-pilot operation, executive configuration), (6 executive + 2 configuration, incl. In over seven million flight hours, the PC-12 has proven itself as the most versatile and valued business aircraft in the world. It affords operators the ability to cover a whole range of assignments with a single-aircraft type, including surveillance, medical assistance, cargo transport and search and rescue. Add comfort, quality, efficiency and time savings to the list of benefits for those who travel on the world’s most popular single-engine business aircraft. Jetfly wird der erste europäische Kunde sein, an … Januar 2018 umfasste die Flotte 25 Flugzeuge: 19 Pilatus PC-12 mit geteilter Eigentümerschaft und weitere sechs Flugzeuge, die Jetfly gehören (3 Citation CJ3 und 3 Pilatus PC-12). Jet ist nicht gleich Jet. It’s what you expect from Pilatus. Included are Fuel Expense, Maintenance Labor Expense, Parts Expense, Engine, Avionics and Propeller reserves expenses as appropriate. Since 1939, every Pilatus aircraft has been designed and manufactured with legendary Swiss quality. On board Wi-Fi can be installed as a retrofit system from GoGo, and low-cost in-flight entertainment (IFE) solutions can make flights productive and entertaining. SherpaReport LLC, The Costs to Own and Operate a Pilatus PC12, Chartering a Private Plane? Führender Privatjet-Broker mit 24/7 Service. The basis for the figures reported is actual operator experience compiled by AirPower Software. The whole concept behind the PC-12 NGX is to travel farther, faster, in more comfort, on less fuel and lower carbon emissions. Maximum range has been extended to 1,765 nautical miles (3,269 kilometres). Der Basispreis des PC-12 NGX ab dem kommenden Jahr 2020 beträgt 4'390'000 US-Dollar, die oft bevorzugte Executive-Konfiguration ist ab einem Preis von 5'369'000 US-Dollar verfügbar. fliegt 815 Kilometer pro Stunde (440 Knoten). one pilot), The Best Possible Care – Anytime, Anywhere, MDH, one of Australia’s Largest Cattle Operations, © Pilatus Aircraft Ltd – All Rights Reserved, Cookies help us give you a better experience on this website. Dennoch können wegen der Pandemie noch nicht alle Kunden ihre PC-12 NGX übernehmen. It all matters to us, so go ahead and sweat the details – we do, too. Reisegeschwindigkeit: 630 km/h.