Please direct any enquiries to the Career Service via mail [email protected]. Over approx. 2021 Event - VIRTUAL. Studying at DIT creates career opportunities. TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE DEGGENDORF . Aktuelle Informationen zum Wintersemester 2020/2021. th deggendorf. âIn the first third, our course offers an intensive introduction to the most important and, above all, practically relevant basics of the subject area,â says lecturer Prof Dr Patrick Glauner. PLV courses are practical courses, the first one being before your internship and the second course after your internship. Bachelor degree programmes with practical Career Service seminars: Registration: This website is a sub-domain of For Professor Nickel the key to success in professional life lies in seeing all the small good decisions that ultimately contribute to success. âIn the process, we learned how to segment coins and other objects from photos and recognise them using a neural network,â Gawron and Terterian report. Other examples of such applications are optical inspections in manufacturing processes, object recognition in autonomous vehicles or smartphone apps that recognise faces in photos. We foster an active exchange with almost 200 partner universities worldwide. Top Keywords . We then find a suitable mentor for the respective student, taking into account his or her interests and wishes. 0.92% Organic Share of Voice. - TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE DEGGENDORF ... (you´ll get the link in your iLearn course or from your tutor) if necessary, you are prompted to install Adobe Add-In Enter your full name Click on „Enter the Room“ - . This, and his curiosity, have contributed to his decision to take the professional step to DIT. Courses are free in the framework of the integral practical courses (PLV). The Mentor Programme has no fixed time limit, and can last the entire duration of the course of studies. legal notice | In most cases, you will be expected to pay for travelling and accommodation costs yourself. Aus Sicherheitsgründen empfehlen wir Ihnen, dieses Browserfenster nach dem Besuch unserer Seiten zu schließen und nicht für das … 4.04% Organic Share of Voice. The iLearn platform can be reached at. Betriebswirtin (FH), Application in English and Spanish speaking countries. ", "My opinion is that the Mentor Programme is a valuable initiative which brings students into contact with the professional world at an early stage and thus facilitates a directed, goal-oriented approach to their studies. His goal at DIT is therefore to become active with research projects in business psychology. März 2020 im Bayerischen Landtag die Frage, ob die Wissenschaft frauenfeindlich ist. Supporting and promoting the success of female students in the Engineering programme during their studies is of great importance to us. At these forums you can personally chat to company reps in small groups to enquire about starting a career, salary or further development opportunities. He combines the familiar with the new to create the surprising. In his special field of âOrganisational Psychology and Diagnosticsâ, he deals with the diverse applications of psychology in business. DIT has been offering Germanyâs first Bachelorâs degree programme in âArtificial Intelligenceâ for two years. I would like to thank Career Services for their incredible commitment to the Mentor Programme. Does the High school certificate still belong in the attachments?Do these questions accompany your application and do you still need help? Im und auf dem neuen „kunststoffcampus bayern" finden nun auch angewandte … 11 Search Popularity. What points should I include in my CV? Informationen zu Themen der Seminare „Studien- und Persönlichkeitskompetenz" findest du übrigens auch im iLearn. After completing his doctorate at the University of Regensburg, he worked in several management consultancy agencies dedicated to psychology, before joining BMW. Which questions can I ask to help me make decisions for my future career plans? iLearn is the central learning management system of Institute of Deggendorf. On 14 March the HIS portal is discontinued and converted to Primuss. This is particularly true for the field of âimage understandingâ, as âcomputer visionâ is also known. In addition to Beckâs results, Glauner points to another example. Based on a mobile phone photo, it calculates the amount of money in the purse or piggy bank that has just been emptied. Mentoring begins at the start of the summer semester. That is, the knowledge that one has given everything. Apply with the necessary documents to the Career Service for one of the job shadowing positions on the job board: Please note: On the job shadowing day, you are not insured by the company. Be quick, there are only a few limited shadowing placements! Read more details on the firstcontact website. This meant that the cooperation between DIT and IHK could be continued very successfully even in these special times.â. Since October 2020, DIT has been offering the new course âComputer Visionâ, thus preparing its students for a corresponding professional career. Passwort. As soon as the room is free, we will let you in. DIT students will be informed per email about the specific dates and registration details. The fair is attended by around 180 companies, who exhibit to find … As no active threats were reported recently by users, is SAFE to browse. This may lead to some complications when accessing systems like mail, IDM and iLearn. The Career Service offers interdisciplinary seminars, workshops and lectures which are designed to prepare you for the career market, guide you in your professional orientation and help you with job applications. We're there for you and will check the documents together with you. You have a short question for the Career Service? Once a year a Mentor Reception takes place in the university, at which official mentors will be announced and the first exchange of experiences between mentors and mentees is possible. 1. 22 Jan 2021 | Examination notes and current legal regulations, 22 Jan.2021 | Borrow books from Deggendorf - pick-up available for reserved books, 12 Jan 2021 | Information concerning the exams. The Career Service in Room B218/219 can also support you with the following things: Every spring, firstcontact student club organises a job fair in cooperation with the DIT Career Service. We aim to find shadowing positions for all subject areas. It has a global traffic rank of #86,834 in the world. Stefanie Beck is Managing Director at the management consultancy Fuhrmann Leadership in Karlsruhe. The aim is to further develop the key qualifications. Do you require help with your application? At the same level and presented in an understandable way. We offer a diverse range of courses and events; from academic dissertations, to a variety of software courses, to self-management and stress management seminars. We aim to support you and all freshers at the start of their studies, so you can integrate into university life and complete your studies efficiently and successfully. After you have clicked on the link, you will be taken to a waiting room. DIT idea management - your feedback is valued . This contact, and the other contacts which I gained through him, have had a positive influence on my professional and personal development. 1 healthcare campus. What is the best way to design my cover letter? Patrick Lerbs, tax consultant at the law firm Dr Kittl and Partner, provided information on the many new individual regulations. 4.02%. about study, personal and professional skills, It's not Rocket Science to find a job in Germany, Bavarian-Israeli programme for students interested in starting a business, Angestellte in der Abteilung Onlinebuchung, Teamleader Serial Purchasing Casting Components, EMSR-Ingenieur/Techniker - Versorgungstechnik, Projektleiter Elektro- und Automatisierungstechnik, Impressions of the mentoring reception 2018, Training to be a supervisor course (AdA course), AWP subject "Professional and personal skills, Potentially find an alternative to studying, Location: virtual fair (link will be announced before event), 18 September 2020: Mechanical Engineering, 23 September 2020: Industrial Engineering. Information event for mentoring in the winter semester: Monday, 26 October 2020, 1.15 - 2 pm, further information can be found at Tourism Advertising is an important and essential part of the travel industry. Interessierte Schülerinnen und Schüler können an der THD ab März 2021 auch wieder im Rahmen des Frühstudiums ausgewählte KI-Vorlesungen belegen und Hochschulluft schnuppern. © 2020 | Technische Hochschule Deggendorf | - TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE DEGGENDORF ... (you´ll get the link in your iLearn course or from your tutor) if necessary, you are prompted to install Adobe Add-In Enter your full name Click on „Enter the Room“ - . 10 technology campuses. Lisa Pfefferl , Engineering and Economics, "I really enjoyed my time in the Mentor Programme, especially because they matched me with just the right person as my mentor. You will learn to organize, carry out and control learning tasks independently and thereby support the practical learning process of the trainees you will later be responsible for in your professional life. If you have questions about this course please contact Iris Reul. Practical experience is a crucial factor for orientation and insights into your dream job. accessibility, "This site requires JavaScript to work correctly". Professor Nickel knows what an important role psychology plays in business. You can apply to these companies as a job shadower: Mentoring is the targeted support of prospective employees and future leaders. accessibility, "This site requires JavaScript to work correctly". ", "I find the Mentor Programme really good and it is something that was lacking at my own own University. Study and personal competence: Topics such as rhetoric, communication, presentation and computer office programs as well as scientific work and intercultural training. Professional competence: Application. Die Technische Hochschule Deggendorf und ihre Einrichtungen ("Betreiber" oder "Systembetreiber") betreiben eine Informationsverarbeitungs-Infrastruktur (IV-Infrastruktur), bestehend aus Datenverarbeitungsanlagen (Rechnern), Kommunikationssystemen (Netzen) und weiteren Hilfseinrichtungen der … : 0991 3615-0 Fax: 0991 3615-297 * These seminars can be … Hier finden. However, it doesn’t always take time-intensive internships, though job shadowing you can gain a special glimpse or insight into the working world. ilearn. Every semester we welcome about 150 exchange students from all over the globe. (*EN) Prüfungsvorbereitung! Top Keywords . : 0991 3615-0 Fax: 0991 3615-297 Stand: 04/2019 education for life... HOCHSCHULE FÜR ANGEWANDTE WISSENSCHAFT CONTACT FURTHER ONLINE SERVICES IT-INFRASTRUKTUR & -BASISDIENSTE FIRST STEPS IN THE IT • Printing • E-Mail System / Webmail • Nextcloud • iLearn … What if it wasn't what you expected? DIT is one of the top 25 performers worldwide. This website is estimated worth of $ 167,760.00 and have a daily income of around $ 233.00. Anmeldung. Since we were established more than 25 years ago, international outreach and open-mindedness have been a key factor at our university. Information on the Mentor Programme can also be found on iLearn. Similar Sites by Audience Overlap Overlap score ... technische hochschule. Further details. LOGIN. After participating in the International Trainee Programme there, he was head of various departments, such as technology, sustainability and motorsport communication, global recruiting and marketing communication. Take the chance to build a personal network for your professional future. In addition to these personalities, the separation of BMW and Rover, during which Professor Nickel was able to witness and shape the change in organisation and culture at first hand, has had a particular impact on his professional life. In his special field of “Organisational Psychology and Diagnostics”, he deals with the diverse applications of psychology in business. The first cohort will graduate in summer 2021. If you have any further questions, please contact Claudia Probst or the AWP- & Sprachenzentrum. For this purpose the female mentor programme was launched, which provides special assistance, support and tips. NOTE: All instructors are required to take the Online iLearn Training workshop prior to getting access to the system and their courses. Additionally, you will acquire important skills for your studies and personal development. data privacy | 48 Search Popularity. If require, telephone appointments can also be arranged. What is needed is expertise in the practical implementation of image understanding applications. ilearn. The AWP subject consists of two sub-sections: "Professional Competence" and "Study and Personality Competence". Nursing Day on 18 January 2021 In public, the image of the nursing profession is mainly shaped by two attributes: exhausting, because there are too … If you are interested in the company, be proactive and ask for options for an internship or tips for getting started after graduation, Your job shadowing advisor would surely appreciate a thank you mail and your personal feedback about the day, A detailed report for DIT alumni helps us to develop and improve our job shadowing service. Another focus was, among others, tax incentives in the context of electric mobility to support the breakthrough for electric vehicles. Kennt ihr schon das Technologie- und Studienzentrum (kurz TSZ) Weiss... enburg. In his lectures, he relies on a combination of theory and practical experience. Experienced experts (mentors) support students (mentees) in furthering their personal development and building up their professional skills. It is the opportunity to catch a glimpse into your dream job by following DIT alumni in their job for a day. You can also find tips on how to apply in the iLearn-Course offered by the career service. The fair is attended by around 180 companies, who exhibit to find talented and ambitious students for their payroll. iLearn is a learning environment that is powered by D2L Brightspace. Job fair jobs can be found on the DIT online job board. Career Service & Academic Counselling Franziska Durner, Room EC 2.20 + 49 991 3615-261 Deggendorf Institute of Technology Dieter-Görlitz-Platz 1 94469 Deggendorf Tel. This website is estimated worth of $ 167,760.00 and have a daily income of around $ 233.00. But the Mentor Programme is also useful in that the companies are able to establish contact with really good students. Do you have any suggestions for improvement to the university? If you have developed courses and taught using D2L Brightspace, please let … Moodle of the TH Deggendorf. Common Name: Organization: Technische Hochschule Deggendorf, OU=PMIT Location: Deggendorf, Bayern, DE Issuer: Hochschule Deggendorf CA - G01/ Valid from: Dec 18 10:03:21 2014 GMT Valid until: Jul 9 23:59:00 2019 GMT Authority: Is not a CA Keysize: 2048 Bits Date: Tue 13 April 2021; Time: 10 am - 3 pm; Location: virtual fair (link will be announced before event) Every spring, firstcontact student club organises a job fair in cooperation with the DIT Career Service. legal notice | In industry or medicine, for example. Inform yourself about the company and and the position of the person you are shadowing, The most important information can generally be found on the company website or company press releases, Organise an initial chat, either in person or by a phone call, Take time to think of interesting questions to ask the person you will be shadowing, to ask them on the job shadowing day, Organise a location to meet and ask about suitable dress code, Be punctual. Deggendorf Institute of Technology vhb-lecture: Programming in C++ - Part 1 Script Prof. Dr. Herbert Fischer Page: II Status: 30 April 2018 File: skript_cpp1_2017_V9 Technology. In addition, I myself had a lot of support when I started my career, and I’d like to pass that on.". Job shadowing is an exclusive offer for DIT students who are about to choose a degree major, or who are in the career orientation phase close to graduation. As a student in your first sermester, you may feel overwhelmed at the start of your studies in the first semester. The Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT) is getting a renowned professor from the world of business, Professor Dr. Tobias M. Nickel. âEven at the top institutes, in the end they only boil with water,â says the DIT professor, who is himself an alumnus of Imperial College London. We are at the library desk, or phone us on 0991/3615-705, or mail us at Postal address: Deggendorf Institute of Technology Library PO Box 13 20 94453 Deggendorf … If you have any questions about image understanding, AI and the degree programme, Prof Glauner can also be contacted directly at or +49 991 3615-453 at any time. If you meet the demands of respective businesses, there is nothing standing in the way of your application! Deggendorf Institute of Technology vhb-lecture: Programming in C++ - Part 1 Script Prof. Dr. Herbert Fischer Page: II Status: 30 April 2018 File: skript_cpp1_2017_V9