They can be defined in managed beans. Put it in META-INF/ if you are putting the facelets in a jar included in WEB-INF/lib. It shouldn't be, no.        When iterating over the select items, toString() must be called on the string rendered attribute values.   onclick="#{ex:object(onclick)}"/>. The difference between them is that the first attribute should be MethodExpression value, when the second one is ValueExpression value.  JSF/Facelets, conditional attributes. Please correct me if am worng.        Main Layout. rendering stage. The interesting thing Create viewdetails.xhtml wherein the redirection is set to this page(target) on click ofsubmitbutton viewdetails.xhtml Create a managed bean Car.javaas Once done with these changes run the application. A good catch. xmlns:ex=""> Values of attributes that weren't passed in are evaluated to null. style - an optional element inline style;  : 4: Create as a managed bean under package com.tutorialspoint.test as explained below. Open the eclipse project 3. Facelets uses SAX to compile the document into a stateless tree of TagHandlers contained within a Facelet object.  JSF 2.0 Requirements Facelet Development.    value. several attributes to it. Multiple compositions can use the same template, thus encapsulating and reusing layout. The first version that you will probably think of is something like Function Summary: boolean: contains( java.lang.String, java.lang.String): Tests if an input string contains the specified substring. Any idea? id - an optional id; Because in my jsf I have around 10 if else conditions and if above understanding is correct, I would have to create 10 boolean variable in bean to use "rendered" attribute.    1) Lifecycle starts when a client makes a new request for a web page which is created using Facelets. JSF provides a special set of tags that gives the flexibility to manage common tags/parts in one place for more than one application. is evaluated on the stage of the building of a component tree, and not on the  Instruction c:if In addition to the answer of BalusC, use the following Java RegExp to replace && with and: JSF provides special tags to create common layout for a web application called facelets tags.